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Frequently Asked Questions

    • What are the directions to the Dover Town Hall?


      MAP: (Click Here)

      From the Northeast:
      Route 80 West to Exit 34A: "15 South, Wharton/Dover."
      Proceed South on Route 15 through two (2) quick lights and continue approximately two more (2) miles to Route 46 intersection (Ayers Auto Dealership on right corner).
      Left at light at Route 46 intersection and proceed approximately 1/4 mile to the second light at North Sussex Street.
      Right onto North Sussex Street. Proceed 1 & 1/2 blocks to Dover Town Hall, 37 North Sussex Street. Dover Town Hall is on the right.
      From the South:
      Route 287 North, through the Morristown area to Route 10 West, Dover/Whippany Exit.
      Route 10 West for approximately seven (7) miles. Shortly after passing Grecco Lincoln & Joyce Honda Dealerships, turn right onto South Salem Street.
      Follow South Salem Street for approximately one (1) mile ending at a 2nd traffic light just over a bridge at East Blackwell Street.
      Left onto East Blackwell Street. Proceed on East Blackwell Street to the 3rd traffic light.
      Turn right onto North Sussex Street. Dover Town Hall, 37 North Sussex Street, is located on the left.



Code Enforcement & Zoning
    • When do I need a Certificate of Compliance?

      A Certificate of Compliance application is required when there is any change of tenant or ownership in all residential and commercial properties in the Town of Dover. As of July 2022 is also needed as part of your lead-based requirements in all rental units built before 1978 to obtain a "Final Certificate of Compliance"  (Refer to the Lead-Based Paint New Law under the Code Enforcement tab for further information) 

      Se requiere una solicitud para el Certificado de Cumplimiento cuando hay cambio de inquilinos o cambio de propietarios en todas las propiedades residenciales y comerciales en el Pueblo de Dover. Desde Julio del 2022 tambièn se requiere como parte del proceso cumplir con los requisitos de la ley con la pintura a base de plomo en todas las viviendas que son alquiladas y construidas antes del 1978 para poder obtener un Certificado Final de Cumplimiento" (favor de referirse a la Ley de la Pintura a Base de Plomo bajo el tab de los Departamentos en la página principal para más detalles).

      Click "here" for the applications. (Haga click aquí para obtener la solicitud del Certificado de Cumplimiento)

    • How soon should I apply for a Certificate of Compliance?

      In the event of a change in tenancy, a Certificate of Compliance should be applied for once the particular unit is suitable for habitability, and before the new tenants are scheduled to move in.  It is recommended that the application be submitted as soon as possible and that the lead-based paint process be started to obtain a "Lead Safe Certificate" needed at the time of the application to avoid any holdup.

      In the event of the sale of a property, a Certificate of Compliance should be applied for as early as possible and compliance with the lead-based paint law or negotiated at closing, but a temporary certificate of compliance can possibly be issued. This will ensure that the property is in compliance and all of the appropriate approvals are given in a timely fashion so as to not delay the closing of the property. 

      If you have questions about applying for a Certificate of Compliance, please contact Code Enforcement at (973) 366-2200 Ext. 2114 or regarding the lead process prior to the certificate of compliance Ext. 2116.

      Cuando hay un cambio de inquilino, se requiere una solicitud para un Certificado de Cumplimiento tan pronto la unidad sea habitable, y antes de que los nuevos inquilinos tengan una fecha acordada para la mudanza. Se recomienda que la solicitud sea sometida a nuestras oficinas los más pronto posible y que el proceso de la pintura a base de plomo ya este en proceso de obtener "El Certificado de Seguridad" que se necesita en el momento de la solicitud para evitar átrasos.

      Tambièn es necesario someter la solicitud del Certificado de Cumplimiento en nuestras oficinas lo más pronto posible en el evento de que exista una venta de la propiedad, y cumplir con la ley de la pintura a base de plomo o al menos que sea negociada en el momento del cierre, de igual manera, existe la posibilidad de que se le puede entregar un Certificado de Cumplimiento Temporal. Esto asegurá que la propiedad tenga los cumplimientos y las aprobaciones apropiadas de manera oportuna y no atrasar el proceso del cierre de la venta de la propiedad.

      Si tiene alguna pregunta de como someter una solicitud de Certificado de Cumplimiento, favor de contactar el Departamento de la Aplicación del Código llamando al (973) 366-2200 Ext. 2114 Si tiene preguntas en referencia al proceso sobre la pintura a base de plomo que se debe seguir antes de la solicitud para el Certificado de Cumplimiento favor marcar la Ext. 2116.

    • What do the inspectors look for during a Certificate of Compliance inspection?

      For the Inspection Procedure handout please / Para la guía del procedimiento de Inspecciones haga click "here".

    • When does the heat have to be turned on?

      Every residential dwelling and enclosed occupied work space shall be supplied with sufficient heat during the period of October 1st to May 1st.  In a residence the temperature must be not less than 68 degrees F during the hours between 6:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m., and 65 degrees F during other hours.  In a workspace, the temperature must be not less than 65 degrees F during all working hours.

      Cada vivienda y espacio laboral encerrado deber estar apropiadamente climátizado durante el periodo del 1ro de Octubre a el 1ro de Mayo. En una vivienda  habitada la temperatura no puede estar bajo los 68 grados F durante las horas entre las 6:30 am y 10:30 pm, y los 65 grados F durantes las horas remanentes. En un espacio laboral, la temperatura no puede estar bajo los 65 grados F durante esas horas laborales. 

      Click here for further information / para más información

Health Department
    • How do I get a birth, marriage or death certificate?

      Certified Birth, Marriage or Death certificates for events that occurred in the Town of Dover, Morris County, are available for purchase at the Dover Health Department.  Restrictions apply.  For information click "Birth, Marriage, Death Records."

    • I want to get married. How do I get a marriage license?
      The bride and groom must be at least 18 years of age.

      If the couple resides in New Jersey, marriage license applications are filed in the municipality where the bride resides.

      If the bride resides outside of New Jersey, then the groom must be a Dover resident.

      If both parties reside outside of New Jersey, the couple must then apply for their marriage license in the municipality where the couple is to be married.

      Click "Marriage Licenses" for detailed information.
    • What are Dover's garbage rules and regulations?

      The Town of Dover provides for the regular collection of garbage two (2) times a week.  Residents are permitted to place at the curb a maximum of two (2) containers of garbage (cans or bags) not to exceed 30 lbs. per bag/container per collection.  Additional garbage bags (more than 2 each collection day) or larger items such as furniture & appliances will require the purchase of a special sticker to be attached to each item for disposal.


      The Town of Dover requires the use of stickers in the collection of specific types of garbage.  A sticker must be attached to an item before it is placed at the curb for collection.  Large items, tires, or extra bags of garbage placed at the curb without a sticker will not be collected! 


      ·    Stickers are available for purchase at Dover Town Hall, 37 N. Sussex Street, at the Dover Health Department, Monday through Friday.  Please call 973-366-2200, ext. 1120 for more information.


    • What are Dover's recycling rules and regulations?

      The Town of Dover has established a mandatory recycling program for the separation and collection of glass, aluminum, plastic containers, used newspapers and cardboard, electronics, metals and other materials from residences and businesses in the Town of Dover.

      For a detailed description of the recycling rules and regulations, please visit Town Hall at 37 N. Sussex Street or the Dover Health Department at 100 Princeton Avenue, Water Works Park to obtain a copy of the latest garbage and recycling newsletter.

Office of the Municipal Clerk
    • How do I obtain a license for my dog?

      Any person who owns, keeps or harbors a dog of licensing age in the Town of Dover shall, in the month of January each year, apply for and procure from the Clerk of the Town of Dover a license.

      Click "dog license application" and you will be directed to the Forms Center for an application with instructions

    • How do I obtain a license for my cat?

      Any person who owns, keeps or harbors a cat over seven (7) months of age within the Town of Dover shall, in the month of February each year, apply for and procure from the Clerk of the Town of Dover a license.

      Click "cat license application" and you will be directed to the Forms Center for an application and instructions.

Recreation, Public Relations & Economic Development
  • Municipal IDs
    • Who can get a Dover Municipal ID Card?

      Anyone who is over the age of 14 and is able to provide the proper/requested documentation and payment. (see full application for further details)

      Cualquier persona mayor de los 14 años de edad y que pueda proveer la documentación apropiada/requerida y el pago. (Favor de ver la solicitud para más detalles).

      973-366-2200 Ext. 1168 

Water Commission
  • Water Commission
    • How can I pay my bill?

      Payments are accepted online (Click here), in the drop box, by mail or in person.   Accepted forms of payments are cash, checks or money orders.  We do not accept credit cards at this moment. 

    • How do I change my mailing address?

      All changes must be done in writing and can be emailed to or

    • I just purchased a property, how do I get the name changed on the account?

      New property owners should take the following steps to receive water service:

      • If your deed is not recorded, and it is essential that you receive the bill in your name.  Please call 973-366-2200 ext. 1151 or 2126.
      • If there is no meter on the property, a meter must be installed within 30 days after the settlement date.
      • Property owners who rent out their property need to meet specific licensing and permitting as required by Code Enforcement.
        • Complete OWNER/TENANT Transfer Billing Request form (Click here).
        • Return the completed form to the Water Department.
        • Request final reading before tenant moving in or out.
    • I’m a new tenant. How do I get the water turned on in my name?
      • Complete OWNER/TENANT Transfer Billing Request form (Click here)
      • Return the completed form to the Water Department
      • Have property owner request final reading before moving in
    • Is the water meter my property?

      The meter is the property of the utility company. It is illegal for you to remove the meter or tamper with it.

      You have the responsibility to give the utility access to the meter in order to read it and maintain it. You must make the meter accessible by keeping it free from obstructions that the utility person may encounter at your residence.

      If you have a pet, you should restrain it. If there are obstacles in the way, you should remove them.

    • My water meter stop working, who do I call?

      Please call (973) 366-2200 ext. 2125.

    • What is the property owners responsible for?

      All property owners are responsible from their connection at the main to the premises for both the water and sewer line and their service and supply line.

    • Why did I not receive my bill?

      Bills are hand delivered by town personal to the USPS.  Once the USPS has taken possession, responsibilty is no longer ours.  Please contact your postmaster.

      If you are experiencing delay or no bill delivery, you have the option to set-up for paperless billing. 

      To set-up for e-billing (click here)  Check your spam folder for your first bill from 

    • What can I do to prevent frozen pipes, and what do I do if my pipes freeze?

      Remember, the pipes inside your home are your responsibility. When your pipes freeze, the Dover Water Commission is not able to help. Protecting your pipes and water meter from cold weather is well worth the effort and will keep your water flowing.

      • Wrap and insulate all water pipes in unheated areas, such as underneath a shed or kitchen floor.
      • Let water run overnight at a trickle in extremely cold weather to keep the pipes from freezing.
      • Have your vacant property winterized by a registered plumber.
      • Keep water meter above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
      • Replace or cover cracked or broken windows.
      • Caulk windows near water meters or pipes and cover windows with plastic.

      If your pipes freeze:

      • Do not apply direct heat to the pipes. If your pipes freeze, you should heat the pipes and the area around your meter with a space heater or hair dryer.
      • You may also engage the services of a licensed and registered plumber.
    • What programs are available to assist me with water and sewer utilities?

      The State Low Income Household Water Assistance Propgram (LIHWAP) can help you pay arrears for your water and sewer bills.  The program may also be able to help address tax liens due to water and sewer arrears.  To get more information and apply, go to waterassistance.nj gov or call NJ211.