Frequently Asked Questions

Department: Health Department
- How do I get a birth, marriage or death certificate?
Certified Birth, Marriage or Death certificates for events that occurred in the Town of Dover, Morris County, are available for purchase at the Dover Health Department. Restrictions apply. For information click "Birth, Marriage, Death Records."
- I want to get married. How do I get a marriage license?
The bride and groom must be at least 18 years of age.
If the couple resides in New Jersey, marriage license applications are filed in the municipality where the bride resides.
If the bride resides outside of New Jersey, then the groom must be a Dover resident.
If both parties reside outside of New Jersey, the couple must then apply for their marriage license in the municipality where the couple is to be married.
Click "Marriage Licenses" for detailed information.
- How do I get a birth, marriage or death certificate?
- What are Dover's garbage rules and regulations?
The Town of Dover provides for the regular collection of garbage two (2) times a week. Residents are permitted to place at the curb a maximum of two (2) containers of garbage (cans or bags) not to exceed 30 lbs. per bag/container per collection. Additional garbage bags (more than 2 each collection day) or larger items such as furniture & appliances will require the purchase of a special sticker to be attached to each item for disposal.
The Town of Dover requires the use of stickers in the collection of specific types of garbage. A sticker must be attached to an item before it is placed at the curb for collection. Large items, tires, or extra bags of garbage placed at the curb without a sticker will not be collected!
· Stickers are available for purchase at Dover Town Hall, 37 N. Sussex Street, at the Dover Health Department, Monday through Friday. Please call 973-366-2200, ext. 1120 for more information.
- What are Dover's garbage rules and regulations?
- What are Dover's recycling rules and regulations?
The Town of Dover has established a mandatory recycling program for the separation and collection of glass, aluminum, plastic containers, used newspapers and cardboard, electronics, metals and other materials from residences and businesses in the Town of Dover.
For a detailed description of the recycling rules and regulations, please visit Town Hall at 37 N. Sussex Street or the Dover Health Department at 100 Princeton Avenue, Water Works Park to obtain a copy of the latest garbage and recycling newsletter.
- What are Dover's recycling rules and regulations?